28803 Highway 101, Out of County, CA 99999
Supplements: COW / CALF OPERATION The Wheelbarrow Ranch strikes the right balance between a productive livestock operation and a long term sustainable timber production with the added benefit of its phenomenal recreational attributes. Currently the ranch runs between 50-70 cow/calf units. This number could be increased if resources were committed to water development for valley irrigation, dry farming where irrigation is unfeasible and perimeter and cross fencing, repaired and/or placed, to increase the quantity and quality of the grazing area. TIMBER There has not been an official timber cruise done to determine the actual volume of existing timber but it is safe to say there is a vast stand of Douglas Fir, literally millions upon millions of board feet, that is representative of significant working asset. Whether one wishes to bank this reserve and let it grow for future generations, harvest it at a sustainable level or sell the carbon credit, there is a real value here that should produce an exponential rate on its own accord. WILDLIFE Of course, the recreational merits of a natural treasure such as this are endless. With close proximity to the San Francisco Bay Area and Sonoma Airport, access to a sportsman is easily accessible. Teeming with Blacktail Deer, bear, Tule Elk, wild hog, turkey, mountain and valley quail, bangtail pigeon, migratory birds in season, mountain lion and bobcat one's always guessing what the next corner will yield. The Ranch would seem to be a perfect candidate for California Fish & Wildlife Private Land Management Program (PLM). The depth, diversity of terrain and water attributes all contribute to making the Ranch a wildlife haven which was not lost on the original Pomo Indian inhabitants nor the later European settlers who were drawn to this rich region and whose respective settlements are evidenced in niches and corners throughout the Ranch. HISTORICAL Further to its historical significance, the Ranch played host to the legendary Coates - Frost Family Feud that left 8 dead in October of 1867. Legend has it that lawmen pursued the fleeing perpetrators through the Ranch's backcountry resulting in scattered skirmishes in long forgotten and unmarked battlefields. As one journeys through the depth of the Ranch, there is an underlying sense of stepping back in time when the West was wild and filled with hope for the newcomers to leave their marks. RECREATION Besides the wildlife and other natural attributes, there are miles upon miles of improved and unimproved ranch roads and trails for exploring by ATV, horseback or foot. In addition, there are numerous potential campsites, old homesteads and one picturesque functioning backcountry cabin. IMPROVEMENTS There is a modest but functional main ranch house, an updated caretaker's cabin, backwood's cabin, rental cabin, large workshop/barn with stable, hay barn, numerous outbuildings and some corrals and holding pens. There is electric to the houses, propane delivered and water supplied by a gravity fed spring. WATER Water resources include the Wheelbarrow Creek, Bean Creek, Bud Creek, Tomki Creek and numerous lesser creeks and tributaries. Abundance of water isevidenced by the numerous springs scattered throughout the Ranch. Situated in the valley's southwest side is the Ranch's main spring fed reservoir. With crystal clear water and an elevated pier, the reservoir invites the swimmer seeking reprieve from the mid-day heat and the angler seeking its healthy large mouth bass population.
More Information MLS# 254859
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![28803 Highway 101, Out of County, CA 99999- MLS# 254859](https://cdn.photos.sparkplatform.com/hum/20230803191854402964000000.jpg)