About Southern Humboldt
Southern Humboldt, situated approximately three hours away from both San Francisco and the Oregon border, encompasses several quaint towns, including Garberville, Benbow, Redway, and Miranda. This region is renowned for the world-famous Avenue of the Giants, a picturesque route spanning miles through ancient redwood forests, offering abundant opportunities for hiking, camping, and exploration. The pristine Eel River meanders through the area, providing an ideal location for swimming during warm summer days. Dotted throughout this rural expanse are various smaller communities, each boasting its unique charm, whether in the form of a vibrant farmers market, a rural school, or local businesses. The area’s enduring allure lies in its unpolluted air, water, and natural magnificence, making the journey truly worthwhile.
- Discover Southern Humboldt https://www.discoversouthernhumboldt.com/
- Garberville Chamber of Commerce https://garberville.org/
- Southern Humboldt Visitor and Business Bureau https://shbvb.org/
- Richardson’s Grove State Park https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=422
- Visit the Redwoods https://www.visitredwoods.com/explore-the-redwoods/avenue-of-the-giants/
- Benbow Inn https://benbowinn.com/